Where'd they find the fox?
Jenny and Ian are breeding like rabbits.
Well, that sucks. Bad Charlie, bad!
Claire, what are you gonna do, take every Highlander you've ever met to Ireland? Then what?
Wow, I forgot Claire's messed with history so much.
Oh, Jamie played the real-name card.
Shirtless Jamie. Pause to lick your screen. Caitriona is so lucky. But we don't get to see them have sexy-time.
Is Jamie saying possible baby names? Sad.
Yeah Jenny, she knows about talking to her unborn child. Way to rub salt in her wound.
Aw, Fergus, who wants to fight in a stupid war anyway?
No more pretty colors for Claire.
Hi, Colum. Whattup?
Aargh, why is Laoghaire here?
Later in the story, I'm told, Jamie will eat his words.
So Lord Lovat has his own personal fortune teller. Let her have a bath, man!
Burn! Good one, Jamie!
For all his hatred of Mackenzies, Lovat sure is acting like Dougal.
Jamie must have been the king of ghost stories when he was a kid.
Colum, Colum, Colum. I wish you could know the truth about the future.
Stop with the slutty, Laoghaire.
In the end, Jamie gets his grandfather's men and keeps his home.I didn't get why Lovat was so happy.
Hello, Saltire.
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Review of Outlander Season 2 Episode 7
Caitriona Balfe is rocking that '50s fashion.
I wonder how the two dark-haired parents explained having a redheaded daughter.
Ew. And the executionist doctor so needs to work on his bedside manner.
I thought the abbess was a mean old cronie in the beginning, but now she has become a mother figure for Claire. She took a big risk for herself, to give such a gift to Claire, even if Claire won't likely see it as such for some time.
So they basically told her they expect her to die soon?
Whoa, Master Raymond has witchy powers. And he knows about auras.
Evil doesn't die that easily.
These are servants, these are friends. Tears.
Is Murtagh in jail, too?
Son-of-a...Fergus will never look at perfume the same way again.
The king has a mistress, she of the pierced boobies, why should he want Claire?
Yeah, Paris has sucked for her so far. Which is saying something, as Scotland wasn't that fun either.
Five bucks says the king plays for the other team.
Bye-bye, Comte Hottie.
Master Raymond isn't as genial as I thought.
What? That wasn't payment enough?
Claire's face is like "That's it? You're done?"
She didn't even mess up her hair, haha! And mustn't forget that orange, Vitamin C is very important.
Nice beard, Jamie.
Poor Claire. Caitriona did a great job with that scene.
Louise must be hoping it doesn't happen to her.
To be fair, she didn't really have sex with the king. It was over really quickly.
How sad, to know you will likely never visit your child's grave again. I hope she visits one day when goes back to Frank.
I wonder how the two dark-haired parents explained having a redheaded daughter.
Ew. And the executionist doctor so needs to work on his bedside manner.
I thought the abbess was a mean old cronie in the beginning, but now she has become a mother figure for Claire. She took a big risk for herself, to give such a gift to Claire, even if Claire won't likely see it as such for some time.
So they basically told her they expect her to die soon?
Whoa, Master Raymond has witchy powers. And he knows about auras.
Evil doesn't die that easily.
These are servants, these are friends. Tears.
Is Murtagh in jail, too?
Son-of-a...Fergus will never look at perfume the same way again.
The king has a mistress, she of the pierced boobies, why should he want Claire?
Yeah, Paris has sucked for her so far. Which is saying something, as Scotland wasn't that fun either.
Five bucks says the king plays for the other team.
Bye-bye, Comte Hottie.
Master Raymond isn't as genial as I thought.
What? That wasn't payment enough?
Claire's face is like "That's it? You're done?"
She didn't even mess up her hair, haha! And mustn't forget that orange, Vitamin C is very important.
Nice beard, Jamie.
Poor Claire. Caitriona did a great job with that scene.
Louise must be hoping it doesn't happen to her.
To be fair, she didn't really have sex with the king. It was over really quickly.
How sad, to know you will likely never visit your child's grave again. I hope she visits one day when goes back to Frank.
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Review of Outlander Season 2 Episode 6
Murthagh's familiar with PMs, apparently. Haha!
Rock, meet hard place. Poor Jamie. Although his "Lord Broch Tuarach" voice is sexy.
This doctor enjoys his side job way too much. How Claire didn't puke, I'll never know.
Raymond's not afraid of no king.
Guess Jamie's over his snit...And now apparently he's Team Frank.
We've come full circle from the first episode of this season. Also, Sam's hair is damn fine in this scene.
Bet Frank's looking pretty metrosexual to her now...
That's a plan, Murtagh, Why scheme when you can assassinate?
Aw, Fergus is just a kid, Claire.
Rethinking the plan there, Jamie? Your wife seems to be enjoying her success.
Hope it's not like Banshee, where as soon as you know the truth, you die.
Did Sam give the whole explanation in Gaelic? Cool.
Murtagh does have a point.
When men have a problem, one punch solves everything. Women talk it to death.
Claire gets Murtagh, and Jamie get a kid for a bodyguard? Um, yay?
Claire and Murtagh: Best Friends Forever.
Haha, yeah Jamie, you and Claire are better than the plagues of Egypt. Moses would be proud.
No English today. Comte Hottie?
At least you're getting laid, Murtagh, frills and all.
I've not read the books, but I'm told some foreshadowing occurs when Jamie and Claire discuss the baby.
Claire's trying to start the French Revolution forty years too early.
I'd wager Louise is smarter than she acts.
Poor Claire.
Charlie's giving Murtagh an alibi, it seems. It's all Jamie can do not to break out into a happy dance.
Geez, Poland can't be that bad, Charlie.
Don't you wish you lived back then, when you could come home at any time and food would just be sitting there waiting for you?
Fergus is so cute.
Insert curse word here. Why is that son-of-a-gun freakin' everywhere?!
Woman, what is your pregnant butt gonna do? Remember the blood?
On the one hand, yay Black Jack is a eunuch. But what does this mean for Frank's existence?
On the other hand, a life is taken for a life spared.
Rock, meet hard place. Poor Jamie. Although his "Lord Broch Tuarach" voice is sexy.
This doctor enjoys his side job way too much. How Claire didn't puke, I'll never know.
Raymond's not afraid of no king.
Guess Jamie's over his snit...And now apparently he's Team Frank.
We've come full circle from the first episode of this season. Also, Sam's hair is damn fine in this scene.
Bet Frank's looking pretty metrosexual to her now...
That's a plan, Murtagh, Why scheme when you can assassinate?
Aw, Fergus is just a kid, Claire.
Rethinking the plan there, Jamie? Your wife seems to be enjoying her success.
Hope it's not like Banshee, where as soon as you know the truth, you die.
Did Sam give the whole explanation in Gaelic? Cool.
Murtagh does have a point.
When men have a problem, one punch solves everything. Women talk it to death.
Claire gets Murtagh, and Jamie get a kid for a bodyguard? Um, yay?
Claire and Murtagh: Best Friends Forever.
Haha, yeah Jamie, you and Claire are better than the plagues of Egypt. Moses would be proud.
No English today. Comte Hottie?
At least you're getting laid, Murtagh, frills and all.
I've not read the books, but I'm told some foreshadowing occurs when Jamie and Claire discuss the baby.
Claire's trying to start the French Revolution forty years too early.
I'd wager Louise is smarter than she acts.
Poor Claire.
Charlie's giving Murtagh an alibi, it seems. It's all Jamie can do not to break out into a happy dance.
Geez, Poland can't be that bad, Charlie.
Don't you wish you lived back then, when you could come home at any time and food would just be sitting there waiting for you?
Fergus is so cute.
Insert curse word here. Why is that son-of-a-gun freakin' everywhere?!
Woman, what is your pregnant butt gonna do? Remember the blood?
On the one hand, yay Black Jack is a eunuch. But what does this mean for Frank's existence?
On the other hand, a life is taken for a life spared.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Review of "This Loving Feeling"
So she was suicidal in high school?
Emphasis on "desperately". It sounds like she's forcing herself into this relationship.
When you're not having sex in so long you can't remember, it's a red flag.
He left his car? That had to be some bad break-up.
"My friend Ellen". Ugh.
Oh no he didn't!
Wow. And his "people" are letting a five-year-old walk around with beer? Stevie shouldn't even know what beer is!
Who's stalking whom, exactly?
Geez, glad there weren't mean girls like this at my school.
You're a father now. Wear pants.
Is this kid five or thirty-five?
Her boyfriend is such a douche-canoe.
Now I want spanikopita.
This moron is either gay or a cheater.
Good song.
Oh hell no! She gave up sugar for that guy?!
Haha, Effie's funny!
Oh, that was a good year for the Stamos hair.
Preach it, sisters-in-law.
Nicely played, Evan.
Eh, cold pizza is good. Totally worth it, in this case.
Now I have the Beatles song "We Can Work It out" in my head.
Ooh, nice choice for a ring.
Definitely buy another dress. You can always wear the first one later and have a party just to show it off.
I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
So she was suicidal in high school?
Emphasis on "desperately". It sounds like she's forcing herself into this relationship.
When you're not having sex in so long you can't remember, it's a red flag.
He left his car? That had to be some bad break-up.
"My friend Ellen". Ugh.
Oh no he didn't!
Wow. And his "people" are letting a five-year-old walk around with beer? Stevie shouldn't even know what beer is!
Who's stalking whom, exactly?
Geez, glad there weren't mean girls like this at my school.
You're a father now. Wear pants.
Is this kid five or thirty-five?
Her boyfriend is such a douche-canoe.
Now I want spanikopita.
This moron is either gay or a cheater.
Good song.
Oh hell no! She gave up sugar for that guy?!
Haha, Effie's funny!
Oh, that was a good year for the Stamos hair.
Preach it, sisters-in-law.
Nicely played, Evan.
Eh, cold pizza is good. Totally worth it, in this case.
Now I have the Beatles song "We Can Work It out" in my head.
Ooh, nice choice for a ring.
Definitely buy another dress. You can always wear the first one later and have a party just to show it off.
I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Monday, May 9, 2016
Security Guards Are Your Friends
Saturday night I attended the Thompson Square concert. I had been waiting years for them to come to a venue near me. It's hard for me to travel, especially just to attend a concert for the day.
It was a new-to-me-venue, The Paramount in Huntington, NY. I always get antsy going to a new place. People don't always react positively to you when they see you're in a wheelchair. I've gotten the "oh, great, more work for me" look too many times to count.
Not the case here. I was escorted to the elevator, then to the stage area downstairs. They have a separate area blocked off to the side just for the disabled. Front row seat, baby! At Madison Square Garden, for example, front row can mean getting caught in a bunch of people clamoring to get as close as possible without getting arrested. Ironically, I saw a couple on Saturday that I had met two years ago at a Keith Urban concert at MSG, where they protected me from the mosh-pit. Small world, right?
It was very orderly. I introduced myself to the security guard, as I usually do. He and his fellow guards even moved the ropes to the side to give us non-walkers a better view, as it meant I didn't have an amplifier in my face the whole time. Because of this kindness, I got some great pictures!
The main reason I hate trying a new place is usually the bathroom. A location might have an elevator or a service lift, but have the smallest "handicapped" stall you ever saw in your life. The Paramount has a separate bathroom just for handicapped women, which they keep locked. I actually had to find someone with a key! No having to cut lines, no hoping I could even fit in the stall, nothing. And the bathroom itself?You could eat off that floor! A female security guard was on hand to bring me back to my seat. Yes, I can be lazy sometimes (okay, all the time).
I commend the security team for keeping things calm and organized. No one got drunk and caused a scene. I didn't feel like a burden on anyone, including the venue staff. I will definitely come again.
It was a new-to-me-venue, The Paramount in Huntington, NY. I always get antsy going to a new place. People don't always react positively to you when they see you're in a wheelchair. I've gotten the "oh, great, more work for me" look too many times to count.
Not the case here. I was escorted to the elevator, then to the stage area downstairs. They have a separate area blocked off to the side just for the disabled. Front row seat, baby! At Madison Square Garden, for example, front row can mean getting caught in a bunch of people clamoring to get as close as possible without getting arrested. Ironically, I saw a couple on Saturday that I had met two years ago at a Keith Urban concert at MSG, where they protected me from the mosh-pit. Small world, right?
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Keith Urban at MSG |
It was very orderly. I introduced myself to the security guard, as I usually do. He and his fellow guards even moved the ropes to the side to give us non-walkers a better view, as it meant I didn't have an amplifier in my face the whole time. Because of this kindness, I got some great pictures!
The main reason I hate trying a new place is usually the bathroom. A location might have an elevator or a service lift, but have the smallest "handicapped" stall you ever saw in your life. The Paramount has a separate bathroom just for handicapped women, which they keep locked. I actually had to find someone with a key! No having to cut lines, no hoping I could even fit in the stall, nothing. And the bathroom itself?You could eat off that floor! A female security guard was on hand to bring me back to my seat. Yes, I can be lazy sometimes (okay, all the time).
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I couldn't be closer unless I was onstage |
I commend the security team for keeping things calm and organized. No one got drunk and caused a scene. I didn't feel like a burden on anyone, including the venue staff. I will definitely come again.
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Review of Outlander Season 2 Episode 5
All that food, gone to waste.
Aw, Fergus is a good bodyguard. Jamie looks good with a kid in his arms.
That'll teach you to drink in brothels, Jamie.
Aww, it's not your fault, Murtagh. And good for Jamie to give him a task so he feels useful.
Sex-ed, 18th-century style.
Poor Mary. Little does she know she will soon trade one "awful" man for another.
Jamie is very good at hiding his "oh crap!" face.
Claire, you're playing with two nice people's lives. Who cares about Frank?
Interesting gift.
Whoa! I'm guessing this is a real home and gardens you can visit in Paris? Gorgeous!
Ah, the duke. Always so compassionate.
Nice horsies.
See, Your Grace? Jamie's not just a pretty face.
Catfight! Where's a mud pit when you need one.
Motherfluffer!!!! At least he's not in tip-top shape?
Tobias's French is sexy, though...
Take that, Jack. The King likes Claire and ridicules you.
The best conversation ever. Claire's face is hilarious. She doesn't know whether to laugh or throw up.
Word, King Louis.
Jamie and Claire likey. It's all they can do not to jump up-and-down right now.
What the heck? Do not engage, Jamie!
What does this mean for Claire's make-sure-Frank-is-born plan?
That's cold, Claire. Although, who's to say Jamie would have definitely won, with only one good hand.
So no sexy-time?
When she goes back to him, Frank should really kiss her feet.
Aw, Fergus is a good bodyguard. Jamie looks good with a kid in his arms.
That'll teach you to drink in brothels, Jamie.
Aww, it's not your fault, Murtagh. And good for Jamie to give him a task so he feels useful.
Sex-ed, 18th-century style.
Poor Mary. Little does she know she will soon trade one "awful" man for another.
Jamie is very good at hiding his "oh crap!" face.
Claire, you're playing with two nice people's lives. Who cares about Frank?
Interesting gift.
Whoa! I'm guessing this is a real home and gardens you can visit in Paris? Gorgeous!
Ah, the duke. Always so compassionate.
Nice horsies.
See, Your Grace? Jamie's not just a pretty face.
Catfight! Where's a mud pit when you need one.
Motherfluffer!!!! At least he's not in tip-top shape?
Tobias's French is sexy, though...
Take that, Jack. The King likes Claire and ridicules you.
The best conversation ever. Claire's face is hilarious. She doesn't know whether to laugh or throw up.
Word, King Louis.
Jamie and Claire likey. It's all they can do not to jump up-and-down right now.
What the heck? Do not engage, Jamie!
What does this mean for Claire's make-sure-Frank-is-born plan?
That's cold, Claire. Although, who's to say Jamie would have definitely won, with only one good hand.
So no sexy-time?
When she goes back to him, Frank should really kiss her feet.
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