I read romances. Yes, I admit it. Why should I be embarrassed? Just because there's a hot guy on the cover? Have you seen what passes for manly for the women in my generation? Ew.
He wears a scarf better than I ever could. And a man-purse?! |
Give me him, any day. Air-brushing and all.
A lot of romance novels recently have had the female character surprised when the hero opens doors for her, says thank you, or generally acts like a man. Really? Should we as women be surprised by this? I'm all for women having equal rights in the workplace and at home, but I am a woman. I want to be seen as one. You see me coming behind you, your butt better open that door.
Feminism, I think, ruined men. They got too afraid of us. If they do something for us that we could have done for ourselves, will we be mad? Are they taking our rights from us? I'm not saying that we should still be thought of as property, but a little pampering wouldn't go amiss. It's called politeness or etiquette.
So, men everywhere, pull out our chairs and open our doors. It's the right thing to do.
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