Are you sleeping with this French lady, Jamie? Boy, you really have had more action than Claire in the last 20 years. The virgin is no more.
I love this music.
Jamie looks good in a tricorn.
Really, Jamie? You bypass "potential customer" and go straight to "someone's here to kill me"?
He has a new Angus and Rupert!
Goiter-boy has a mouth on him. Didn't he say he was in service to Jamie?
Sam Heughan really learned how to do this. A method actor, is he. Aren't you glad you just press a button nowadays?
Aww, he has glasses! Cute!
Faintin' time. This time, we see it in slow-motion.
Ha! Nice use of the printing press.
Wouldn't blame ya if you had, Jamie.
It's a bit of a gray area, Claire.
Yep. She still has your ring.
Aw, he asked to kiss her. Squee.
Does he man he hasn't kissed anyone in a very long time, or Claire specifically?
Um, how are you going to explain photography to him, Claire? And what, gemstones disappear during time travel, but photos from the future are fine?
Yeah, Jamie. You look hot. But it's adorable that you're embarrassed.
Shout-out to Faith. She hasn't been forgotten.
So sad that he has to learn about twenty years of his daughter's life in five minutes.
Well, in 1768, Brianna might as well be naked. To be fair, that's how most dads would react, no matter the year.
He kind of has hobbit feet.
She sure danced around the Frank situation.
FERGUS! She might have raised Brianna with Frank, and he might have impregnated Geneva, but Fergus is theirs together. Love isn't always biological.
Yeah, Jamie. Remember that French lady that was fixing your cravat this morning?
Kinky, Mr. Willoughby.
Who's this guy?
Jamie's not just a pretty face. And when did Claire have time to learn Chinese?
Madame is
Well, Claire's certainly getting a tour of Edinburgh's brothels. Gee Jamie, you really know how to show a lady a good time.
You're kinda killing the mood here, buddy. Don't ask why; just be happy she did come back. Heck, the how is more interesting, anyway.
Mirroring their wedding night. Love. It.
Everybody, including the audience, is breathing hard, but these two still have all their clothes on.
Hmm, I forgot that women wore cravats, or rather fichus.
Who tied her corset, I wonder? Brianna? Because that's a little too...familial.
Caitriona looks like she has a black tooth in this light.
In this episode, James Fraser discovers the wonders of zippers. Because duh, Claire wasn't about to go completely period-piece this time.
Twenty years, and nothing has sagged.
Ouch! You really do need glasses, Jamie.
This is awkward, fun sex...and then it gets hawt.
Sorry Frank. You tried, but this is what she's been missing.
She's okay with treason, but don't ever cheat, buddy.
She still hasn't asked if any of his friends survived Culloden.
Sigh. They miss Brianna, but for Claire it's deeper.
Madame doesn't like ladies talking to her whores. Or is she protective of Claire because she's Jamie's wife?
Trouble always follows Claire. We'll have to wait till next week to find out what happens.