FINALLY it's time for Season 3. The Battle of Culloden has lasted a long damn time.
Meep. I usually skip the credits, but wow! A lot is going to happen this season.
Phew, I thought the bearded fellow was Rupert for a second.
Yep, the British sucked. I know it's better to put someone dying out of their misery, but that boy could have lived!
Play dead, Jamie. Now.
Ugh, Charlie. You should have died just for being an idiot, not these poor men.
Just what this situation needed, snow.
No Jamie, don't charge. Run!
Dang, Rupert got skills!
Smothered by grass. That's a new one.
Hiya, Murtagh. Don't die.
The Scots had no chance. They had claymores, the British had guns and cannons.
Bastard! Jamie shall get his revenge. Love the slow-motion. And why does Black Jack always look at him like he's a specimen in a laboratory?
Wait, how long were these two fighting? And why does everything with Black Jack always end up vaguely homoerotic?
I wish "Claire" said "On your feet, soldier!"
He dropped the amber! Noo!
I love you, Tobias Menzies.
That's one thing that was easier in the 1700's. Have fire, can cook.
Well, her second husband would have liked it, and would have admired her resourcefulness.
Oh, boy. Claire is gripping Frank's hand just so she doesn't lunge at that professor.
Actions speak louder than words. She might say the baby is Frank's, but don't touch her belly. That privilege is reserved for Jamie.
Low blow, Frank. I'd have thrown pottery at you, too.
Attaboy, Rupert. Go down swingin'. I'll miss you. But where the hell is Murtagh?!
Appliances are loud when you're trying to sleep.
Aw Frank, you were going to do something decent for once.
The scum British officer has a soul after all.
Son of a-! She literally would have been better off having the baby in Jamie's time.
That officer will get some points in heaven.
Sorry Frank, you are not the father. Remember?