My rating: 5 of 5 stars
You know it's creepy when even the assassin is scared.
Remind me never to be in Venice on a foggy night.
What a crappy police force.
All those drugs can't be helping with the memory loss.
This is an excellent mystery.
The professor's wife ordered the hit on her, I bet.
Richard is not as large-and-in-charge as he thinks he is.
The assassin with a side-job as paparazzo.
I never liked Carmen.
Holy crap!
Whoa, she had some balls before the accident.
Ewww. Buh-bye, Ricky.
Ha, she's got jokes! Good for her.
Snort. She thought he was having a heart attack.
Oh, how nice that they found the boy.
Who else wants that wedding feast?
I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
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