My rating: 5 of 5 stars
How does she not have cabin fever? I'd go crazy if I couldn't walk freely through my house, and outdoors.
Poor thing, she has PTSD.
He's funny when he's drunk.
It's a sad day when the highlight of your life is a woman threatening to cut your balls off. Literally.
I know her brother is trying to do a good thing, to let her have a normal life as befits her station, but he's going about it the wrong way. What is this, immersion therapy?
You're a nice girl, Diana.
If her father's so nice, why hasn't he come for her before this?
It's a good plan, but it won't end well.
The poor man's not that old, Diana!
Your tattling backfired there, Duchess. Now he's more in love with her than ever.
That witch!
She should brush her teeth first...
His father is a wonderful man. I just wish he would have less trust in their man-of-affairs. Who knows what the guy is doing with their money.
What happened to James?
Would it kill you to give your sister a hug, Ryker?
I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
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