Monday, October 3, 2016

Review of Poldark Season 2 Episode 5

We're at the halfway point. I'll miss the views.

Ooh, intrigue.

Francis is a magistrate? Who thought that was a good idea?

I guess some time has passed, haha. The kid got big! And he's adorable.

Listen to Demelza, Ross. She's the smart one in this relationship.

Dude, should you be at the "I think so" stage when you're supposed to announce your engagement tonight? Hasn't she had a year to say yes? I still maintain you play for the other team.

How goes the stepmother gig, Verity?

Hey, Francis looks good in a wig! And he's playing this guy like a fiddle.

Dwight knows what's up, George.


Attaboy, Francis. But why is Verity dressed so dowdily?

Elizabeth and Demelza are on the same level, at in regards to fashion.

The bromance lives! Be afraid, George. I hope you've practicing your "boxing" moves whilst in Town.

Ooh, Demelza, being brought into supper by your host? My, how you've moved up in the world.

Yeah, an engagement is imminent. Not.

You're both married. Stop looking at each other like that! I'm talking to you, Elizabeth.


Hope you get laid, Francis. Although, does Elizabeth feel like she's cheating on Ross with her husband, given her whole "I wish I married you" speech?

Your go-to move is a head-butt, Ross? No wonder you didn't do much in the War.

Well, that's not good.

Ugh, George scenes.

He's taken, girlie

Damn, you should talk more often, Dwight!

Francis, out. Cue the slow clap.

You really thought you were wise, Ross?

I so love all the Ross and Demelza moments.

Yup, Dwight's right. Ross knows he married up, despite what Society thinks.

So glad we have the postal service. No more getting letters delivered by random people.

Does Caroline ever go out without a hat and gloves?

You know you got game, Enys.

Dwight is so happy right now.

Okay, when a character on a TV show pours his heart out like this, it does not bode well.

And to think there was once a time when Francis was so not Team Demelza.

Dammit, Francis, don't go searching through the dark by yourself. Have you never seen a horror film?

What just happened?!

Trudie's a good friend.

Not the time for that, Ross.

Peace out, Francis. This is the best day ever for George. Ross aged overnight. Don't lose heart, Demelza.

Aunt Agatha should play lotto. She always knows when it's going to be a bad day, so theoretically she should know when it's going to be a good one. Right?

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