Saturday, June 18, 2016

Review of Outlander Season 2 Episode 11

So, time has passed. I guess we won't see Angus's funeral.

They're in England now. Only Jamie and the prince want to take London. I'm with the other guys. Why risk it? But I understand that to Jamie, this seems cowardly.

Who knew Charlie was such a drama queen?

No one likes the dentist, no matter the year.

Don't make promises you can't keep, Jamie.

Jamie speaking Gaelic. Whew, is it hot in here?

I love the shout-out to the pilot episode and Inverness. one can relax for a moment on this show, can they?

Not Rupert, too! I like how Dougal shows he cares when it counts.

Okay, I'm really glad they didn't show that part.

Ha, guess these guys don't know what a "real" pirate looks like! Treasure Island won't be written for another 150 years.

It's a good plan, as long as Black Jack hasn't made a miraculous recovery (again) and shows up where he isn't wanted.

Well, look who it is! Everyone's favorite mute beggar!

Nicely done, Claire.

Oh, lots of drinks are needed right now. As soon as they said an Englishman, I knew it would be the merry duke.

I can't imagine such a flamboyant man in the Tower.

So she does know Gaelic now? I wonder if she knows what Jamie's prayer was, then.

Boy, this episode is full of blasts from the past, isn't it.

How's that keep-Frank-alive plan going, Claire?

Godfather-of-the-Year. Not.

That's a very complicated plan the Duke has. I'm not sure I understood all of it.

Guess Claire doesn't know Gaelic that well after all. Murtagh is hilariously horrified.

Woman up, Mary. You'll need to if you're going to eventually marry Black Jack.

Seriously, Claire? Take your shoes off if you're going to sneak around a giant mansion!

Looks like Mary heard me and found her lady-balls.

Because God forbid Jamie see the Duke of Sandringham without his wig.

Good for you, Mary. I hope you get some peace.

I think he's dead, Murtagh. Oh, wait, you had a reason. Honorable, but EWWW!

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