Saturday, June 4, 2016

Review of Outlander Season 2 Episode 9

Haha! Hi Murtagh, I've missed you. And I see you've confused "babysitting" with "servitude".

That's a nice song. What is it called?

Of course those two get the building with the roof and a door. None of that tent business.

Better luck next time, Angus! Good for you Willie, I hope you made it safely to America.

I always liked Dougal. I like his optimism and his love for his country. Too bad history tells a different story.

Murtagh the Drill Sergeant. And as I'm thinking it, Claire has a WWII flashback.

Their training techniques were very interesting.

Claire's remembering the war she just lived through, while Jamie's worried about will happen to her if he dies.

Nice speech, Jamie. Sam Heughan needs an Emmy.

Graham McTavish is hawt. Too bad the speech didn't have much of a lasting effect on the "soldiers". They ran away like little girls!

Jamie's all grown up now, huh Dougal?

Claire's got a raging case of PTSD.

What a position to be in. She doesn't need to be with the army, but it's better than hiding away because she's scared. If she stayed home while Frank went to fight, it would be much different now between her and Jamie.

Murtah totally enjoyed that bit of playacting.

Who the heck is this kid? Is no one British on this show not cocky?

I guess with all those scabs, he doesn't feel the lashes as much? I hope?

James does Arnold Schwarzenegger proud.

Sorry, Claire. No time for sexy-time.

Finally, two lines. Doing Murtagh proud, men!

Dougal is having way too much fun. And surprisingly, he's very willing to listen to Jamie. I don't know if that is the soldier in him, or if he's just biding his time so he can marry Claire when Jamie dies in battle.

This episode was so much better than last week's.

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