Thursday, May 12, 2016

Review of "This Loving Feeling"


So she was suicidal in high school?

Emphasis on "desperately". It sounds like she's forcing herself into this relationship.

When you're not having sex in so long you can't remember, it's a red flag.

He left his car? That had to be some bad break-up.

"My friend Ellen". Ugh.

Oh no he didn't!

Wow. And his "people" are letting a five-year-old walk around with beer? Stevie shouldn't even know what beer is!

Who's stalking whom, exactly?

Geez, glad there weren't mean girls like this at my school.

You're a father now. Wear pants.

Is this kid five or thirty-five?

Her boyfriend is such a douche-canoe.

Now I want spanikopita.

This moron is either gay or a cheater.

Good song.

Oh hell no! She gave up sugar for that guy?!

Haha, Effie's funny!

Oh, that was a good year for the Stamos hair.

Preach it, sisters-in-law.

Nicely played, Evan.

Eh, cold pizza is good. Totally worth it, in this case.

Now I have the Beatles song "We Can Work It out" in my head.

Ooh, nice choice for a ring.

Definitely buy another dress. You can always wear the first one later and have a party just to show it off.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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