Thursday, August 30, 2018

Review: Come Back to Me

Come Back to Me Come Back to Me by Sharon Sala
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The arsonist wanted George to know it was him.

Really? A building blows up and nobody in a small town notices?

Phoebe was weak, that's the only thing I can say about that. And the townsfolk are simple-minded.

Wait, did Preston have something to do with the fire?

Whoa, I feel bad for that college girlfriend.

That was weird, Elliott.

Aw, Lee is so cute, trying to impress his father. Aidan's first reaction was very well-done of him.

The house tour is wonderful and heartbreaking at the same time.

It's so nice that people know each other so well that someone can take your child to the bathroom for you.

Yikes. Drunks beware. Don't talk about her son.

Attagirl, Yvonne.

No one can say Corey came from a bad home, which makes the way he lives his life now look even worse.

Sonja is a witch.

Poor Betty! I hope she and the truck driver are okay!

This is better than if the customers did a slow clap!

Get it, Ruby and Peanut!

God works in mysterious ways.

I'd say dirty trick, but Corey deserves it.

Sigh. But I am glad that Aidan was able to forgive an old dead man walking.

Er, hello Dan. You don't sound scary at all.

Live with that, Joe.

I need to know Dan's story. Now!

I'm so happy for Alice and her kids. This is a great thing Phoebe is doing.

Yay, Chief!

Lee's reaction to their news is hilarious.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Review: Do or Die Cowboy

Do or Die Cowboy Do or Die Cowboy by June Faver
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Aw, that was nice of him.

Hush, Gran. Gracie's a bit too young to learn about the circle of life.

I'm glad her grandma finally fessed up about her troubles. A dead rat?

It's all about who you know.

This is an easy job so far.

What the hell was that?

Jeezus, how old was she?

I hate her parents and that town.

Take that, Mr. Garrett!

Thank goodness for Breck. The Carter "boys" definitely deserved a pummeling.

Will sounds kind of crooked.

Big Jim and Celia, sittin' in a tree...

Sayonara, butthole!

I hope he wins the show.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Monday, August 20, 2018

Nazis and the Disabled

A discussion about the disabled during the Victorian era led to my mom and I wondering what happened to disabled people during the Holocaust. We all know what happened to Jews, but (at least, I did not) we don't learn much in school about other groups that the Nazis did not want as part of their Aryan society. This article was very helpful.

Review: A Nice Day for a Cowboy Wedding

A Nice Day for a Cowboy Wedding A Nice Day for a Cowboy Wedding by Nicole Helm
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I don't blame Cora for passing the buck.

It seems to me that having a pre-teen should have made her grow up a long time ago.


Er, those seem like a lot of red flags.

Yeah, Boone doesn't exactly have an office job.

What is wrong, Micah?

Hey, what's wrong with art?

Whoa, Gavin. Your mom is not a Mossad agent.

His grandma has a sword collection? Remind me not to cross her.

I talk to myself, that's for sure.

I'm guessing her mom was a mistress?

I hate the smell of coffee, but I'm glad I don't have trauma attached to the smell.

I love everything about Micah's first day on the job.

I hope you feel better soon, Lou.

It's good that Shane is teaching Micah how to be a man.

It's sweet how her friends are willing to take her son on an outing so she can have a date.

Is she expecting him to share all his secrets without telling him something in return?

What a witch his ex was.

That's a lot of guilt for the poor man to carry around.

I'm glad he and Ben had that talk, specifically at his father's grave. It felt like his dad was a part of it, giving his blessing.

Boone messed up.

She's ending things before he can, expect he isn't going to.

Micah is more mature than three grown-ups combined.

Mmhmm. "Practical reasons". Sure.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Sunday, August 19, 2018

Review: The Boyfriend Arrangement

The Boyfriend Arrangement The Boyfriend Arrangement by Andrea Laurence
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

He just had a heart attack? Well, he's about to give himself another one.

If I were him, I'd be touring Europe right now.

What, does she need a sugar daddy?

I don't believe her friends are so self-absorbed that they wouldn't notice a boyfriend.

Has she been pretending to be rich for twelve years?

Damn, I want that plane!

My money's on her ex.

His protectiveness is so hot.

So she wasn't joking? They actually make pug onesies?

He could tell her about his heart attack.

"Rotting pile of bricks"? Really?!

I would not have paid even part of the money.

Okay, so she is living a double life of sorts in order to get her inheritance. How are you any better, Madame Thief?

I could so use his new prototype.

I've never really thought about school sports being an expense.

A shame she missed the ceremony with her introspection.

What to do when you blow up your life to your friends? Have sex.

I'm more concerned with getting his pocket watch back. She can live without the inheritance.

It's always the quiet ones.

I agree she needed to leave to cool off, but she could have called him once he went home.

Nothing is worth kale salad.

I don't even know what the four Cs are.

Her grandfather is so nice.

Don't offer alcohol to the heart attack patient, Harper!

Yay! I'm so happy for Kenny. The last day of the trip sucked, but this was a very good trip for Sebastian, it seems.

Suck it, Madame Thief.

I received a free copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

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Thursday, August 2, 2018

Review: Brave New Earl

Brave New Earl Brave New Earl by Jane Ashford
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

They all seem to need this survivors group.

Way to make a good impression. At least she's not the equivalent of a social worker, if they had them at that time.

Who is this other boy?

Projecting much?

Clayton is a nice man, valet or not. Benjamin's dress apparently offends him.

Jean, honey, you can't give in to a little boy all the time. I know you yourself were neglected, but there is a fine line between being lovingly attentive and spoiling.

Benjamin's mother was delightful.

Honestly, a leash sounds like a good idea at this point.

He played her like a fiddle.

She was obviously locked in as a child, in a room or a closet.

Geez, her mother did a number on her. Who knew hair could do so much.

Depressing book. But her heart was in the right place.

Eww. I'm sorry for you, Sarah.

The Wandrells are horrid people. If this is the sort of Society Benjamin has around him, he did well to become a hermit.

Huzzah, Mrs. Thorpe!

Poor Tom is the babysitter who has to stay all night and doesn't get paid.

The lady knows what she wants.

Her mother forgot she locked her child in a cupboard?!

I wonder if Benjamin hoped the nannies could be eliminated before they even left Bristol.

That witch should not be her only informant on the state of marriage.

Actresses can be religious, too.

Oh, Geoffrey.

Personally, I think you reap what you sow, Mrs. Wandrell. You locked a little boy up after scaring him into thinking he would have an evil stepmother.

It's just hair, Clayton. Chill.

Geoffrey is so cute when he is learning new words or taking the ones he knows literally.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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