Saturday, December 16, 2017

Review: Not Quite Crazy

Not Quite Crazy Not Quite Crazy by Catherine Bybee
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Welcome to New York, honey. It's nice that your boss actually wants to cover your transportation costs.

Poor Trent.

Oh, he's got moves.

That was funny, Owen.

Haha, Mary Frances sounds cool!

She sleeps with her boss on the first date, goes on vacation with him, but doesn't want to ride into work together?

What the hell?

She should really check her mail.

Good judge. Suck it, hag!

I love the ending.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Friday, December 15, 2017

Review: Disarmed by Love

Disarmed by Love Disarmed by Love by Gail Chianese
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

My kind of kid. Reading is more fun.

I would have told on Chris so fast...

What the hell?!

Saying you're fine twenty times in one breath usually indicates you're not.

Small world.

Wait, she was changing in front of the camera, and could have been seen naked by her best friend's husband at any time?

He cooks!

Geez, he's the girl in this relationship.

He's a better father figure than Sal could ever be.

I'm glad that she didn't blame him for the accident.

If she had just reported Sal for attempted murder, custody wouldn't be an issue.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Saturday, November 18, 2017

Review: The Rogue Is Back in Town

The Rogue Is Back in Town The Rogue Is Back in Town by Anna Bennett
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Geez, tough love. His brother is kind of a butthole.

It sounds like an idyllic childhood, in spite of her parents dying.

She really has no protection at home, does she. Even the servants are old!

Oh snap! Well played, Miss Lacey. What does he think, he can just stay for free?

Hello! Wardrobe malfunction, party of one.

Nigel definitely wants to turn her into his mistress.

He might be considered the rogue of the family, but he has more honor than his brother could ever dream of having.

Gads, someone really needs to stab Nigel in a dark alley.

I received an AC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Saturday, November 4, 2017

Review: The Irredeemable Billionaire

The Irredeemable Billionaire The Irredeemable Billionaire by Lexxie Couper
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Gah. She expected her son, but it's her childhood nemesis/crush at the door? I'd die.

Her son is so sweet.

His mother sounds like a pretentious witch.

She left her kid alone with someone she hasn't seen in ten years?

Tim Tams are so good.

For someone who used to make her life hell, he sure remembers a lot about her.

Get a clue, Justin. You're becoming a stalker at this point.

Holy crap! No one mess with this woman. Ever.

This is the best kid ever.

Talk about a selfless act.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

View all my reviews

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Outlander Season 3 Episode 6

Are you sleeping with this French lady, Jamie? Boy, you really have had more action than Claire in the last 20 years. The virgin is no more.

I love this music.

Jamie looks good in a tricorn.

Really, Jamie? You bypass "potential customer" and go straight to "someone's here to kill me"?

He has a new Angus and Rupert!

Goiter-boy has a mouth on him. Didn't he say he was in service to Jamie?

Sam Heughan really learned how to do this. A method actor, is he. Aren't you glad you just press a button nowadays?

Aww, he has glasses! Cute!

Faintin' time. This time, we see it in slow-motion.

Ha! Nice use of the printing press.

Wouldn't blame ya if you had, Jamie.

It's a bit of a gray area, Claire.

Yep. She still has your ring.

Aw, he asked to kiss her. Squee.

Does he man he hasn't kissed anyone in a very long time, or Claire specifically?

Um, how are you going to explain photography to him, Claire? And what, gemstones disappear during time travel, but photos from the future are fine?

Yeah, Jamie. You look hot. But it's adorable that you're embarrassed.

Shout-out to Faith. She hasn't been forgotten.

So sad that he has to learn about twenty years of his daughter's life in five minutes.

Well, in 1768, Brianna might as well be naked. To be fair, that's how most dads would react, no matter the year.

He kind of has hobbit feet.

She sure danced around the Frank situation.

FERGUS! She might have raised Brianna with Frank, and he might have impregnated Geneva, but Fergus is theirs together. Love isn't always biological.

Yeah, Jamie. Remember that French lady that was fixing your cravat this morning?

Kinky, Mr. Willoughby.

Who's this guy?

Jamie's not just a pretty face. And when did Claire have time to learn Chinese?

Madame is pissed.

Well, Claire's certainly getting a tour of Edinburgh's brothels. Gee Jamie, you really know how to show a lady a good time.

You're kinda killing the mood here, buddy. Don't ask why; just be happy she did come back. Heck, the how is more interesting, anyway.

Mirroring their wedding night. Love. It.

Everybody, including the audience, is breathing hard, but these two still have all their clothes on.

Hmm, I forgot that women wore cravats, or rather fichus.

Who tied her corset, I wonder? Brianna? Because that's a little too...familial.

Caitriona looks like she has a black tooth in this light.

In this episode, James Fraser discovers the wonders of zippers. Because duh, Claire wasn't about to go completely period-piece this time.

Twenty years, and nothing has sagged.

Ouch! You really do need glasses, Jamie.

This is awkward, fun sex...and then it gets hawt.

Sorry Frank. You tried, but this is what she's been missing.

She's okay with treason, but don't ever cheat, buddy.

She still hasn't asked if any of his friends survived Culloden.

Sigh. They miss Brianna, but for Claire it's deeper.

Madame doesn't like ladies talking to her whores. Or is she protective of Claire because she's Jamie's wife?

Trouble always follows Claire. We'll have to wait till next week to find out what happens.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Victoria Season 2 Episode 8

I could watch Tom Hughes play for hours.

They did a good job subtly aging Jenna Coleman.

Yeah, he told his wife. Deal with it, bucko.

Wellington is Team Peele.

Cock-blocked by your uncle. For once, I like something Leopold did.

Five years? Dream on, Albert.

How long will Albert continue to dodge his uncle?

Ew. That combo would make anyone sick.

Albert can admit when he's wrong.

The duke don't play.

Vicki is definitely Daddy's little girl.

Shut it, Baroness.

I thought no one else recognized him, but apparently not.

Point to Albert.

Are we sure this doctor knows what he's doing?

That was a very diplomatic answer, Harriet.

Someone get this child some Tylenol.

I had no idea Parliament voted that way.

Oh, damn. I got a bad feeling about this.

Peele did say no one would try to shoot him inside the House.

Bye-bye, Drummond. Pity your "friend" doesn't know he's been stood up indefinitely.

Sorry, Your Highnesses. They're happy your daughter is alive and well, but they've got bigger problems.

Poor Peele. Turns out, he's got feelings.

Duchess! I've missed you.

The duchess knows what's what. Sorry, Alfred. You're still in the closet.

Are you really going to propose after a death, Ernest?


The Baroness is the definition of an old maid.

Alfred has to be a pallbearer?! Poor guy.

"Some bad habits." Mm-hmm, yeah.

Holy crap. Penge has a soul, people!

Whoa. A lot will happen next season. Did Albert fall in some ice or something?

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Victoria Season 2 Episode 7

Albert is literally a prince among men. He saves his wife from a shooter, then invents a bullet-proof umbrella because she insists on going out again. The only shame is that there are three people in this marriage: Victoria, Albert and Peele.

Seriously, Club-Foot?

Ringlets are not a good look for you, Harriet.

Sorry, Baroness. You are so stuck in England.

Don't call Scotland England, Albert. That's a big no-no.

Oy, the closet gays.

The Duke of Athol has an army, even today.

Cock-a-leekie is yummy.

The servants are having way more fun. Could this poet be more depressing?

Ha, Victoria elbowed her husband to start the clapping. Love it.

I guess there will be no sexytimes in Scotland for these two...Okay, I was wrong. Turns out bagpipes make Victoria hot.

Fog can be useful. Victoria looks gorgeous with her hair down.

The duke is freaking out. Then again, who really wants to be known as the guy who lost the Queen in a forest?

Men never ask for directions, even two hundred years ago.

Heavy dresses and crossing a stream on a horse do not mix.

Someone is certainly the Duchess of Sensitivity. Not.

The crofters have no idea who they have in their house.

Skerrett deserves a little fun.

Haha! Albert's her secretary at the "factory"!

Wealth and a palace are not all they are cracked up to be. Sometimes it's nice to learn how to darn a sock.

Idiot soldier. You rode all over the Highlands looking for her, and you don't even know what she looks like?

Now that is a hair ornament!

The ceilidh is definitely more fun.

Never go to Culloden, Duke. You will be struck by lightning.

Ms. Cook is okay with the gay.

Back to real life.

Aww. At least Francatelli filleted the fish for them.

Victoria Season 2 Episode 6

The potato famine has hit Ireland.

What a depressing church service. The minister is definitely of the fire-and-brimstone variety.

It was definitely not a good thing to be Irish and living in England, and a Catholic at that.

The real Ernest was married by 1842, but had VD.

What a twat. Even Peele is like, "What did you say?"

Whoa, girlie. That was dangerous. But effective.


I feel so bad for the doctor. He has a duty to his parish, but also a duty to his family.

Seriously. SOMEONE STAB THIS GUY. Victoria is wishing she could send him to the guillotine.

Mercury? To treat venereal disease?

The doctor quoted the Bible. Mike drop.

This is the governing body of an empire? Makes you wonder how anything got done.

There's poor, and then there's starving.

You were a gigolo, weren't you, Francatelli.

Funny thing, when the prince consort makes you eat your words.  Albert's not just a pretty face. He makes it a point to read up on all kinds of matters.

I do love the good doctor.

Haha, Peele is so awkward.

The doctor's wife is not much of a helpmeet.

See, Penge? It's just a toilet.

Point goes to Traill!

Poor Ms. Cleary. She's likely to never see her family again.

It's a heck of a thing that the doctor got sick doing his Christian duty.

Outlander Season 3 Episode 5

Aw, did Claire make that ornament?

Hello! This is worse than ER. Is that a fork?

Have faith, Joe.

Whoa, Brianna can draw!

This is a good professor.

The ghost of Frank.

Did she meet a man, Joe? You have no idea.

I love the cars of the sixties. Even the taxis were chic.

Sorry, Roger. You've come at a really bad time.

Leaving the guy who thinks he's your boyfriend alone? Not classy, Brianna.

Holy---! That is so freaky.

Claire's face...

The choice is between the Claire the woman and Claire the mother.

Outlander meets Bones.

Nice mention of the Caribbean. They just snuck it right in there.

Brianna looks good in tartan. And she's clearly destined to be an architect.

It's true that history is fluid, but some facts are set in stone.

Frank was shtupping a student?!

I love this scene between Claire and Brianna.

Anybody else notice how mother and daughter wear tartan a lot now?

She still wears Jamie's ring!

If you still love Jamie sure as hell still loves you.

Ha, this conversation with Joe is hilarious! Nowadays, that's a lawsuit waiting to happen.

Claire the hospital thief.

Highland women could have used a Singer.

Wow. Who knew Claire could design clothes?

I love how Brianna always calls Claire "Mama" now.

 I wonder how two people would be able to go through the stones. Do you hold hands?

Brianna kind of has to marry Roger now. Who else would understand her?

Omigod!! I would have liked to see how she made it from the stones to Edinburgh, but I'll live.

How is it that the stones take you to the exact year and place you want to go? She could have ended up in the Civil War South, for all she knows.

Beautiful shingle, Jamie.

JAMIE! (And just like a man, he hasn't aged a bit.)

Bwahaha! Guess Jamie needs a doctor, stat!

Monday, October 2, 2017

Outlander Season 3 Episode 4

Sawny makes his "first" appearance in the post-credits.

Aw, Fiona likes Roger. Brianna thinks it's cute, too. But when did we bring Fiona in on our secret?

Caitriona Balfe is sure to age well.

Well that was easy.

Oh, John took Jamie to England?

Interesting queue you got there, "Alexander". It's not as sexy as your French one.

Aw, don't worry, buddy. Brianna isn't really lost.

The girl knows cars.

Oh, we're calling prison "employment" now? Got it.

I like this girl. I didn't catch her name.

Ha, Jamie's trying to tell her John's gay!

Sorry, Joe. She's got Jamie-on-the-brain. Good luck with your surgery. Self-confidence is clearly not a problem.

Geneva is going to wash that hand with lye the second this guy is gone. If she doesn't throw up first. That's what you get for being a rude, insufferable human being.

Someone's hatched a plan. Five bucks says she spooked the horse herself.

Point to Jamie.

Yep, John still has the hots for Jamie.

Brotherly discord is afoot.

Okay, Geneva is clearly evil. But you have to admit, that was brilliant blackmail.

Yeah, no one heard the world's loudest door.

"You may disrobe." There she goes with the sexy talk.

Well, at least she got the butt first. That came out wrong...

And the student becomes the teacher. I do not think Claire would be proud, strangely enough.

Trying to explain hormones to an eighteenth-century maiden is hard.

Ruh-roh. Jamie, you are the father!

Ah, the pearls.

Now that's a house!

Poor thing. Claire probably could have saved her, ironically.

Jamie finally has a son. Who wants to bet he has red hair?

Who let that guy near a knife?

Er...Jamie just killed a peer of the realm. While on probation.

You're a good woman, Your Ladyship.

Well, the boy got Jamie's face, but not his red hair.

So close.

That lady reminds me of when Claire was a traveling minstrel.

Yeah, Jamie. Must you go?

So Isobel married the gay. Who had better keep his hands off Willie.

It's sad that Jamie lives in a world when nothing is given for free.

Depressing ending. I hope Willie remembers him as he grows up.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Review: Twice As Wicked

Twice As Wicked Twice As Wicked by Elizabeth Bright
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A whole lot happened in that prologue.

Someone actually tried to poison him?

She wants to kill him, but she saves him from a rogue chandelier? Is it a case of "If I don't kill him, no one else can"?

Wait a minute. He thinks his own brother is trying to kill him?

I would have loved to have seen the inside of Westminster Abbey. It was closed when I went to London.

Huh. Lady Claire might actually be the culprit.

Nicholas is decidedly less evil-sounding than I expected.

It's so much easier for a woman to undress nowadays.

Life would be so much easier if women made all the decisions.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

View all my reviews

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Review: The Scot Beds His Wife

The Scot Beds His Wife The Scot Beds His Wife by Kerrigan Byrne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

That's child abuse!

Damn, I wish his mother could get a divorce, or at least run away with Thorne, maybe even Liam.

Thank God his mother survived!

Crap, I thought Liam would turn out okay. I guess that night was the tipping point. Is Hamish the one who was hanged? Because I wouldn't have minded that.

Did the government allow you to change your last name like that?

What just happened?

Really, Sam, You just met a hot Highlander, and you're thinking you might have to shoot him one day?

What is he, in the mafia? Does he always travel in a pack?

Whoa. She is really taking this acting job seriously. If I didn't know better, I'd think she actually was Alison Ross.

A lot of cursing going on.

Small world.

They did not have that phrase in the 1800's.

Yep, Callum knows.

She keeps tripping up with things that the Scottish-born Alison would know.

He was going to shoot a pregnant cow! Shouldn't he know the signs of labor if he is going to be a cattle baron? Although it is cute how mesmerized he is by the miracle of life.

Shoot, she's pregnant. A baby is always a blessing, though.

Damn, things just escalated quickly. Her brothers-in-law must have followed her.

When did Dorian enter the picture, I wonder.

Aw, I sense a love match between his mother and Callum's father.

Only he could propose, and in the next breath plan their eventual affairs.

Should pregnant women be taking laudanum? I always wondered.

Whose name will she sign on the marriage certificate?

Yeesh, a branding iron? Ouch!

I like how she talks back to His Lairdship.

Does this make the real Alison a bigamist?

Um, guys? Did you forget you're outside, and that he was about to go on a ride with other men?

They're just so cute together!

Colleen was schizophrenic.

Just when you think your problems are over, the cops show up.

Sex on a train.

They say the true test of a relationship is travel.


Haha, I know, right?

Such a great set-up for future books.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Sunday, September 24, 2017

Victoria Season 2 Episode 5

Your great-uncle is now your grandfather, Vicki.

Albert can draw!

Sorry, Baroness. No French food for you.

That is a beautiful ship. But Albert and Skerrett are a little seasick.

Louis-Philippe is interesting.

The duchess is scandalized. Of course.

Lord Alfred is still bitter that his crush is getting married, to a woman.

Victoria is loving France, you guys.

The French will come up with anything to enhance themselves.

Antoinne looks like he would never work a day in his life.

Jenna Coleman doesn't look much different.

PETA would have a field day with the king.

Now that's a croquembouche!

Albert is not a happy camper. Secrets will out, though.

Muttonchops were not a good look.

Give it a rest, girl! Ernest is not for you.

The duchess is not a fan of phalllic-looking bread.

The men are so over this garden party. Time for manly pursuits in the woods.

Of course it's cold and wet, Antoinne. It's water.

Drummond is having the time of his life. Fully clothed, Ernest? Don't get sick, now.

I think those two have officially come out of the closet.

Haha, you had us all going there for a minute, Victoria!

I really wish DNA tests had been invented, for Albert's sake.

All it took were some grapes. I feel bad for the Spanish queen, who will have to wait longer for a husband.

I owe you an apology, Peele. I thought you were being entirely too pessimistic, but you were right.

I knew she'd get knocked up in France. And hallelujah, she's happy about it!

Outlander season 3 Episode 3

Aww, cute doggie. There is a cake just sitting there, and no one's eating it? For shame, haha!

My uncle was born that year.

He's been out with other women, and it's taken six years for Claire to realize it? Boy, when she finds out Jamie slept with Mary. heads will roll!

The new warden is getting quite an orientation. Hunting, hidden gold, and Red Jamie, all at one post.

They don't even let Jamie out of his chains in the cell?

Hi, Murtagh! You're not looking so good.

The poor Scots couldn't have even a scrap of tartan.

He knows who Claire is, Jamie. You can say her name. But I sighed anyway.

There's a new sheriff in town. Cats make babies too, Grey. You'll have a cat problem instead. And the prisoners eat the rats? Ewww.

Frankie-boy's got a date, who apparently didn't know he was married.

Did this shmuck just thank Jamie for coming, like he's been invited to tea? And then ask him to speak Gaelic?

And so goes things in the happy Randall household. I love you, Tobias.

Crazy future-seeing man.

I love every time Jamie shares something he learned from Claire. He was paying attention! Best husband ever!

He's been to France, Grey. The "prisoner" has class.

I feel bad for the other prisoners. They get to hear about the meal, but will never eat it.

Fresh air for the prisoners! A plan's afoot.

Why did you come back, Jamie?

He can't escape the Grey brothers.

John, if your "friend" was Black Jack, I will slap you.


You been had, John!

Jamie's had enough of the buggery. Is every Englishman a closet gay?

Helwater looks pretty.

Um. Guess Frank won't be getting that divorce.

Victoria Season 2 Episode 4

Good thing all those men didn't have to be in the delivery room with her.

Hello, postpartum depression.

Er, bye, Albert's dad.

How long did it take Tom Hughes to learn to speak German?

The prince doubled your wages, did he? Are you sure, Skerrett?

Damn, Albert laid down the law. The baroness is on the case!

Yes, "friend" is a euphemism, buddy.

You are the one who wanted to hire a wet nurse, Victoria.

Have fun with this one, Ernest.

Poor Albert. Bet he really wishes he brought Victoria now.

That was a short trip to the hospital.

19th-century sisterhood therapy.

Yeah, Ms. Cook, come and be their beard.

Albert is a funny, intellectual drunk.

You wanted to "bring him comfort"? So, he wasn't fathered by an inappropriate lech, but now he knows his father is someone who would sleep with his own brother's wife? How is that better, Leopold?


Ernest knows.

The homoerotic bromance is over.

You go away, and the family expands, Albert.

Creepy tunnel.

Skerrett is looking at Albert like he's crazy.

So Francatelli sold the story? What about her cousin?

There is still a lot of stigma surrounding postpartum depression, even today.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Outlander Season 3 Episode 2

Didn't you just miss that song?

Clearly some time has passed, because Jamie is a bit, um, hairy in that wanted poster. And fair enough, it's now 1752.

Fergus survived Culloden! Too bad he hasn't grown an inch in six years, though.

Damn redcoats. And a Scot fighting on the side that likely killed his relatives. Ugh.

Nice to see Rabbie again. He was the little boy that Claire saved from an abusive father.

Way to be creepy, Jamie.

Who else heard the theme song to Last of the Mohicans in their heads when he was aiming for the buck?

Guess there isn't much cause for talking in the woods, by yourself.

Hel-lo naked Jamie. How we've missed you.

Sucks to be you, Frank.

A bit of breaking the fourth wall here, as Caitriona Balfe is actually Irish.

I wonder if Sam actually knows how to gut a fish. He learned archery for the season.

Fergus, he thinks of you as a son. Remember that. Claire would want him to keep you safe.

Ah, the times when drinking during and immediately after your pregnancy was allowed. Do you think all the babies were born drunk?

Oh, yeah. I forgot it is now illegal for Scots to carry weapons, or even own them.

What will they do if the redcoats come back, especially that Scot who is eager to please his superiors? They can't keep hiding a baby.

I'm just not interested in the present storyline. It's depressing. She should have stayed with Jamie.

I skipped over the Fergus part. My heart couldn't take it. I started watching again when Jamie bound the wound like "milady" used to do it.

Poor kid. First Black Jack, then this.

Oh, that was deep, Ian.

I guess no one ever says her name around him, if his surprise when Ian does is anything to go by.

They slashed the crest?!

I'm torn. I'm with Jenny on this. But I can see how the hermit life is no life at all. Jamie wants to just get it over with.

He's back!

Ooh, someone's gonna get laid. She's not as pretty as Claire, but she'll do. And Claire's using Frank like a breathing vibrator, so...

That professor is a twat. Joe seems nice.

How very '50s. Although, since she's still mentally married to Jamie, this might be best. And Brianna never questioned this? Maybe she just grew up to assume her mother was a cold fish.

That was some good play-acting. Although, I m tempted to believe that when Jenny said she would never forgive him for this, she was telling the truth. And Jamie knows it.

Ah, that was a lovely end scene.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Victoria Season 2 Episode 3

The shape of your head will dictate if you become a criminal? Yeah, there's a quack.

That is such a cute baby.

The mission is yours should you choose to accept it, Albert.

Did Lord M. have cancer?

That guy is the laziest household manager ever.

Albert is getting to see how the other half lives.

Victoria ain't just a pretty face, Peele. Bam!

Haha, the duchess doesn't know what hit her!

Their foreplay is so cute.

I know the people of London were starving, but this is my kind of ball. Although Peele looks like he swallowed a lemon while standing in Fulton Fish Market.

Albert doesn't think this was a good idea.

Honey, get a clue. Ernest will never be yours.

Rufus Sewell is at home in the Middle Ages.

Wow, that scene was cinematographically beautiful.

I had no idea that Albert designed the parliament building.

Someone's been skimming from the top.

Parting is such sweet sorrow.

Outlander Season 3 Episode 1

FINALLY it's time for Season 3. The Battle of Culloden has lasted a long damn time.

Meep. I usually skip the credits, but wow! A lot is going to happen this season.

Phew, I thought the bearded fellow was Rupert for a second.

Yep, the British sucked. I know it's better to put someone dying out of their misery, but that boy could have lived!

Play dead, Jamie. Now.

Ugh, Charlie. You should have died just for being an idiot, not these poor men.

Just what this situation needed, snow.

No Jamie, don't charge. Run!

Dang, Rupert got skills!

Smothered by grass. That's a new one.

Hiya, Murtagh. Don't die.

The Scots had no chance. They had claymores, the British had guns and cannons.

Bastard! Jamie shall get his revenge. Love the slow-motion. And why does Black Jack always look at him like he's a specimen in a laboratory?

Wait, how long were these two fighting? And why does everything with Black Jack always end up vaguely homoerotic?

I wish "Claire" said "On your feet, soldier!"

He dropped the amber! Noo!

I love you, Tobias Menzies.

That's one thing that was easier in the 1700's. Have fire, can cook.

Well, her second husband would have liked it, and would have admired her resourcefulness.

Oh, boy. Claire is gripping Frank's hand just so she doesn't lunge at that professor.

Actions speak louder than words. She might say the baby is Frank's, but don't touch her belly. That privilege is reserved for Jamie.

Low blow, Frank. I'd have thrown pottery at you, too.

Attaboy, Rupert. Go down swingin'. I'll miss you. But where the hell is Murtagh?!

Appliances are loud when you're trying to sleep.

Aw Frank, you were going to do something decent for once.

The scum British officer has a soul after all.

Son of a-! She literally would have been better off having the baby in Jamie's time.

That officer will get some points in heaven.

Sorry Frank, you are not the father. Remember?

Review: The Rogue's Conquest

The Rogue's Conquest The Rogue's Conquest by Lily Maxton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Women and children were to be seen and not heard.

Cecil is always the inbred cousin's name.

She could pass for a man just by changing her hair and wearing glasses? Now there's a confidence booster.

Why is he trying to hide his accent, if they already live in Scotland?

Georgina is fun, if a little crazy.

She really isn't aware of social niceties, is she?

Did he just...? Oh honey, you certainly have your work cut out for you.

She and Lady Sarah sound like kindred spirits.

Someone's jealous.

I knew it.

His father is more the bastard than he ever was.

They are going to fight in the snow? They couldn't find an abandoned building?

Ouch, the guy pulled out James's hair?!

I predict Robert's future wife will walk all over him.

It's nice that he gets her.

Ah, very tricksy, James. You must really like silk damask.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

View all my reviews

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Victoria Season 2 Episode 2

Talk German to me, baby.

Aw, honey. we really need to get you a crystal ball. Yep, children. Lots of children.

Acrobatic. I hope that is one tasty apple.

Oh, what hobbies does his father have? I assume women?

A lady in a mathematical society? Good for her!

So cool. Who needs calculators?

Hello, Lord M. I've missed you.

Uh-huh. You are so pregnant, Victoria.

They really need better security at the palace. Was it really that easy to enter?

Well, you're no longer infatuated with the poor man, so that's a plus.

Ooh, intrigue. Especially if you know your history.

Slavery was still happening in America at this time. For Ira Aldridge to be free and performing for the Queen? Wow!

Run, Peele, run!

Lord M, 1. Uncle, 0.

Who needs the gym?

Poor girl is only a Catholic.

You are definitely jealous, Albert.

Remind me never to be a messenger boy.

I never questioned why the Venus flytrap has that name.

Wrong person to tell, Duchess. Although Diana Rigg looked about to burst!

This was a very productive visit. Retirement doesn't seem so fun anymore, does it Lord M.?

Ugh, leeches.

Uncle Leopold can be nice, when he's not trying to stir up trouble.

Aw, cute brothers moment.

The first modern working mother, it seems.

They didn't know about hormones yet.


Sunday, August 27, 2017

Victoria Season 2 Episode 1

Yep, the Middle East can be cold, people.

Looks like someone is regretting last season's rant about not nursing.

Why is she in a wheelchair? She gave birth; she didn't get hit by a carriage!

 She could use a little "distress", Albert. And I agree with Duke of Wellington.

Yeah, women's liberation hasn't happened yet, honey. To these guys, you are a walking uterus.

Why did the PM let that little squint tell her what to do? Ad her mother is still annoying.

Ha, love Victoria's saying that God had nothing to do with sex.

Well they do, Albert.

Hello, food poisoning.

Hate to break it to you, honey, but you will have eight more confinements.

It's always weird to come back from vacation, or maternity leave.

Ooh, 19th century intrigue.

Victoria is so good at the put-downs. Listen to Albert.

Victoria. He's being a schmuck about not telling you important information, but on this, he has a point.

What's wrong with the duchess, Peel?

No duckie wallpaper for this baby.

It's Diana Rigg!

Poor girl. Curtsies can't be easy, with or without a corset.

Albert is every idiotic man in history right now.

Damn, Diana Rigg is a party pooper!

Ha. Careful what you wish for.

Hallo the in-laws!

Sorry your girlfriend left. Ernest.

Ew. Cock-a-leekie soup does not look like that.

The Victorian version of sleeping on the couch.

When Ernst becomes the voice of reason, things are bad.

It takes a strong man to openly do needlepoint.

Pretty cake.

Awkward christening.

Harriet's husband is a douche.

Damn. That is one lucky soldier. Poor guy.

Let's hope Parliament is quieter nowadays.

Have you walked around London lately, Victoria? Plumbing is kind of important.

Nice muff.

"Little Vickie" knows how to emote.


Friday, August 25, 2017

Review: A Rake's Guide to Seduction

A Rake's Guide to Seduction A Rake's Guide to Seduction by Caroline Linden
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

He sounds more fun than any of these toffs.

Are you inbred, Euston? Get a clue!

Holy crap, two hundred thousand pounds?! No wonder she has got every bachelor in London sniffing at her.

What the heck is he investing in? Is it really worth living like this?

Bertie sounds like he might be in the closet.

Poor thing, she's the odd man out in her own family now.

Is David her half-brother, then?

She burned his love letter?! Gah.

Whoa, that was kinda sexy, Mr. Beecham.

Preach it, Warfield. Rosalind is a snob, and has judged poor Anthony on what she has heard. least they were done?

The duke and Celia are the only rational people in this family.

He's trying to help you, Percy. You should listen.

Whoo boy. Who knew a foot massage could be so erotic?

Louisa, just because you're unhappy in your marriage doesn't mean everyone else should be as well.

Never go to Vegas, Anthony. Or Monte Carlo.

Is it hot in here? Those two weeks better come fast!

My money's on Ned. Called away "unexpectedly" on an "immediate" matter? That has "setting up an alibi" all over it.

Haha! This is hilarious! Ned was not counting on Celia being so unbiddable.

Go get 'er, Warfield.

Worst father ever.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

View all my reviews

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Review: This Old Cafe

This Old Cafe This Old Cafe by Marci Boudreaux
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The guy told her she had to lose twenty pounds, and she still married him?

So the poor man really is homeless? And a veteran?!

Wait, his uncle lives in the same town, yet he is homeless and eating out of dumpsters? Bastard!

It sounds like everything he did that was "dangerous" was done to help people.

How lovely that they are helping each other. Not just physically, with her providing him with food and shelter while he does manual labor for her. But emotionally as well. They both had such low self-esteem at the beginning.

What's wrong with tile? It looks better.

Haha, Annie is evil!

Is it hot in here? Dayum.

I totally understand why he left.

People are weird. Who wants to eat where you know someone was attacked?

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Review: Out of Sight

Out of Sight Out of Sight by Melissa Klein
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ooh, a rainfall showerhead. Nice.

Reading is like breathing to me as well.

I hate Tripp.

No news is good news. No evidence means someone's hiding something.

It sounds like she was a target. Could Tripp have put a hit out on her?

I wonder what Hank was diagnosed with.

The woman at the institution is a witch.

He really needs to stop drinking.

Damn. That would be a bad diagnosis for anybody, but especially a pilot.

Patience is a virtue, honey. I know, it's hard.

Jamie is a good person.

That mama's boy definitely either hired someone or set the fire himself.

They're cute together.

Ha, she likes slapping him in the stomach.

Damn, all three brothers have it?

What good are cops if they don't rush to help?

It's like we've entered the Twilight Zone.

I need an epilogue!

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Friday, July 21, 2017

Review: The Scot Beds His Wife

The Scot Beds His Wife The Scot Beds His Wife by Kerrigan Byrne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

That's child abuse!

Damn, I wish his mother could get a divorce, or at least run away with Thorne, maybe even Liam.

Thank God his mother survived!

Crap, I thought Liam would turn out okay. I guess that night was the tipping point. Is Hamish the one who was hanged? Because I wouldn't have minded that.

Did the government allow you to change your last name like that?

What just happened?

Really, Sam, You just met a hot Highlander, and you're thinking you might have to shoot him one day?

What is he, in the mafia? Does he always travel in a pack?

Whoa. She is really taking this acting job seriously. If I didn't know better, I'd think she actually was Alison Ross.

A lot of cursing going on.

Small world.

They did not have that phrase in the 1800's.

Yep, Callum knows.

She keeps tripping up with things that the Scottish-born Alison would know.

He was going to shoot a pregnant cow! Shouldn't he know the signs of labor if he is going to be a cattle baron? Although it is cute how mesmerized he is by the miracle of life.

Shoot, she's pregnant. A baby is always a blessing, though.

Damn, things just escalated quickly. Her brothers-in-law must have followed her.

When did Dorian enter the picture, I wonder.

Aw, I sense a love match between his mother and Callum's father.

Only he could propose, and in the next breath plan their eventual affairs.

Should pregnant women be taking laudanum? I always wondered.

Whose name will she sign on the marriage certificate?

Yeesh, a branding iron? Ouch!

I like how she talks back to His Lairdship.

Does this make the real Alison a bigamist?

Um, guys? Did you forget you're outside, and that he was about to go on a ride with other men?

They're just so cute together!

Colleen was schizophrenic.

Just when you think your problems are over, the cops show up.

Sex on a train.

They say the true test of a relationship is travel.


Haha, I know, right?

Such a great set-up for future books.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Saturday, July 1, 2017

Review: Tempting Fate

Tempting Fate Tempting Fate by Pamela Clare
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

She must have been dirt-poor if it took her five years to take this trip.

Damn, this got ugly fast.

Wow, he's super smart.

Good boy, Shota!

Shoot, this is eerily similar to poor Win's experience.

Small world.

Who knew search-and-rescue could be geeky?

Oh, you don't say "tribe"? Good to know.

Man, she was homeless at one point? Has anything fantastic ever happened to this woman?

I never heard of these occupations. They should teach more about Native history in school.

These agents suck.

Chaska is really good at this tracking thing. He does his ancestors proud.
Now this is a good hospital!

I have no idea what he does for a living, but it sounds important.

There are jerks in every culture.

Does anyone charge for a rescue?

Have a little self-respect, Nicole.

Crap, I'm sorry that happened to your friend, Megs.

What's the point of a shelter if you make restrictions on who can stay? Idiots.

That was so cool! I would be scared to death, but that was interesting.

That is a beautiful way of looking at the human body.


I love Bear.

Ouch! You definitely can't be a wimp and do the Sun Dance.

Yeah, I don't blame him for being mad at his father.

Um, what's the deal with the jalapenos?

Now that's the way to learn a new language!

Damn, our poor vets.

Doug slept with the girl, and called her house. You'd think he'd know her name.

Aw, I want to cry!

This is like Scripture Ping-Pong.

There's people who have "smart" homes, while the original settlers of our country don't have water and electricity?!

It's good that they as a Nation feel a sense of pride and want to get back to their roots.

Even her "new" parents are matchmaking, haha.

Ohh. One bride-price, fulfilled.

You should read the Author's Note, everybody.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Tuesday, June 27, 2017

What is Accessibility, Really?

My family and I want to go away for the Independence Day holiday, as millions of people do. But if you're disabled, it's that much harder. Forget about flying anywhere. No thank you! Driving (or in my case, being driven) is annoying enough. Sitting for long hours in a car makes my back hurt, not to mention it makes the swelling in my legs that much worse. Sometimes I need a vacation from my vacation!

So you've arrived at your destination. Now what? You've spoken to a live person and made your needs known, right? A nice lady at the hotel assured me that though they did not have any accessible rooms available, they would have a shower chair handy, put grab bars in the shower, and install a raised toilet seat for the length of my short stay. Free of charge!This is the Holy Grail of hotels, I tell you. Go to the Bird-in-Hand Family Inn in Lancaster, PA if you can!

I've been to London, and they assured us that the hotel was accessible, and so was the room. Ha! Mind you, it was a Holiday Inn, so we thought, of course they're accessible. American ones are! Not the case. My mother had to do a lot of lifting that trip. Good thing we were only there four days.

I just researched another hotel in another location, with another well-known name. They say the room is ADA-accessible and meets all the requirements. I just looked at the pictures of the room. The shower, while for once being an actual shower, has a lip on the side! I wouldn't be able to get my wheelchair close enough to the shower chair to transfer. Not without someone's help. If you're going to call something "accessible", make sure I can actually access it! We shouldn't need someone's help to do the easiest things like brush our teeth or take a shower. We can do it ourselves at home; why not on vacation?

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Review: SEALs of Honor: Mason

SEALs of Honor: Mason SEALs of Honor: Mason by Dale Mayer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

That is one useful birdcall.

I like the author's inside joke with the reader.

Oh, he can talk but she can't? Such a double standard.

Haha, he knows your name, babe!

Whose job was it to look after the prisoner? Because they failed.

Well that's keeping her quiet. Did they not think Daniel would have friends?

She's quite smart.

I'm sure her brother would have never told her the bad parts of his stories.

She's crabby when she's sick.

Whoo-ee, she has no fear, does she. But poor Johann.

Damn bureaucrats sent soldiers into danger without all the facts? Grr.

Heck, they should have embedded a tracking device under her skin.

Ooh, that was smart. I could never make myself bleed like that, though.
Love a lady who rescues herself.

She's got her priorities straight.

Err...So the same guy who was pressuring her a year ago, coincidentally when her company was hacked, is trying to hack in again. And she doesn't see a connection?

Ugh, it's a trap, people!

Checkmate goes to Tesla Landers.

Her father knew who the bad guy was and never said anything?

I got a free copy from Amazon.

View all my reviews

Thursday, April 6, 2017

NOAH by Cristin Harber Cover Reveal

We are so thrilled to announce that Cristin Harber is participating in the 7 Brides for 7 Soldiers series! You can find out more about the series and her title, NOAH, below! Plus - see the beautiful cover!

Fall in love with seven sexy and irresistible soldiers who find their courage and heart tested like never before in the battle for love! This multi-author collaborative series of contemporary romance novels is brought to you by bestselling authors Barbara Freethy, Roxanne St. Claire, Christie Ridgway, Lynn Raye Harris, Julia London, Cristin Harber and Samantha Chase. You won't want to miss a single one!

NOAH releases December 5th! It's a standalone contemporary romance, but Titan readers with a keen eye might see an Easter egg.
Preorder NOAH now on iBooks!
Be sure to sign up for Cristin's Newsletter to find out when more links go live!
Cristin Harber is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling romance author. She writes sexy, steamy romantic suspense and military romance. Readers voted her onto Amazon’s Top Picks for Debut Romance Authors in 2013, and her debut Titan series was both a #1 romantic suspense and #1 military romance bestseller.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Review: Expecting the Billionaire's Baby

Expecting the Billionaire's Baby Expecting the Billionaire's Baby by Andrea Laurence
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Hmm, wonder why she went right for rich babies as her target audience.

Sure, lots of mothers work. Chip and her father sound like sexist pigs.

What's more important, your social standing or your daughter, idiot?

Damn. Talk about having something to stick in people's faces!

Lot of hassle just to see an old girlfriend. And what if she finds out Deacon got her the interview?

Simone sounds flighty. I can definitely see her as a Mean Girl.

Did this guy just order for her? Oh, hell no!

Love is supposed to be unconditional.

Can we clone him? I want a Deacon.

I hate her parents more and more with every page.

Okay, now I'm hungry. And thirsty.

She should stay and hold her head up. Although, France.

Well, that's giving a little boy a lesson in sex ed he won't forget!

Pompous twit. And why are you taking this lying down, Deacon? You're richer. So what if he has more "class". You're a better human being.

This must be some ring.

I received a free copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

LOCKE AND KEY Cover Reveal

LOCKE AND KEY by Cristin Harber is coming May 2nd and we're so thrilled to share the cover with you! Check out the full cover below and find out more about LOCKE AND KEY!

ABOUT LOCKE AND KEY (Releasing May 2nd)
There’s only one person to blame for darkening the last years of Locke Oliver’s military career: Cassidy Noble. And damn if he doesn’t have to save her from the side of a frozen mountain.
Even after the job is done, he can’t shake the woman from his thoughts. He blames her for the deaths in his Army unit so many years ago, and he’s not ready to let that go. It’s driving him to the point of distraction, and now his Titan Group boss says to get his act together or get out.
Cassidy is a disgraced journalist, once accused of treason—Or she’s an American hero. It depends on who you ask. She’s on a mission to rebuild her name and started with a simple question but discovered a complex web of spies and possible human trafficking.
Titan Group believes in her.
Locke does not. Until he can’t deny the truth any longer about the past or what she’s uncovered in her investigation.
Cassidy volunteers to go undercover. Locke would do anything to stay by her side as she slips into the network and is sold to the highest bidder. All is going right until everything goes wrong. Nothing is as they expect including falling in love with the woman he thought he hated.
Preorder LOCKE AND KEY now:
Cristin Harber is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling romance author. She writes sexy, steamy romantic suspense and military romance. Readers voted her onto Amazon’s Top Picks for Debut Romance Authors in 2013, and her debut Titan series was both a #1 romantic suspense and #1 military romance bestseller. Website | Newsletter | Facebook | Team Titan Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Ah, Cop Shows

We all assume cop shows have at least some basis in reality, right? There's usually someone who advises the writers and actors on how a real cop/agent acts. So then are supposed to think our law enforcement officers act like this? I hope not.

1. They announce themselves. Then act surprised when the criminal doesn't immediately throw up their hands and say, "You got me! Take me to prison right now." So let me get this straight.  All cops have to do is say "stop" and the criminal stops? Well, NYPD, I'm ready for ya!

2. The main characters are MENSA candidates. No one can solve it till they get there, man. Duh! Everybody else is just a stand-in for the shot. Who cares if they've had hours on the case, and miss obvious clues in front of them? They're not the big-name actors! Their characters can't be expected to think for themselves!

3. Any guest star from another bureau is the enemy. If you're a cop, the FBI are full of themselves and will take over your case and not let you do nuthin'. If you're FBI and the CIA shows up, they've got to be spooks and are taping all your conversations. You're not even safe in your own apartment.

So, what have we learned? Cops and other law enforcement officers are not that incompetent. Don't believe everything you see.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Review: Falling Hard

Falling Hard Falling Hard by Pamela Clare
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ugh. I can't stand people like Mrs. Beech. "Your husband's dead, but at least your kids are a consolation prize!" Um, no.

Team members don't get paid? That's horrible!

Gosh, it really is a small world.

What the hell kind of sport is that?!

So. Cute.

People are stupid.

His house is now cleaner than mine will ever be.

Way to make her feel guilty, idiot. You know you are interested in her.

Really, man? Women regularly "happen" to fall on your penis?

His sister sounds like a crappy person.

Oh, God! Kids? This is why I could never be a doctor or a nurse.

So his father beat him but not his mother?

Who gave this kid permission to use explosives? Idiot!

Haha, way to announce to the whole town that you're having sex! Don't be surprised if it's in the paper tomorrow.

Ooh, giving him a key is serious.

Whoa, damn, Sacha!

God. No wonder he has nightmares.

It's good that he recognizes when he needs help. Now if only he would let Ellie in.

"Partner" sounds stupid. Just say "boyfriend".

Men are crazy.

I hope she got that on video.

Parents should never have to bury their kids.

Good Lord, I didn't know a flashback could come on so suddenly.

Dammit, her parents had one job to do! Two kids, two grandparents.

Such cute kids.

Pauline is a jerk.


Okay, I need tissues.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

View all my reviews

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Review: I Dared the Duke

I Dared the Duke I Dared the Duke by Anna Bennett
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Honestly, older people are more interesting.

You tell him, sister.

Talk about bad first impressions. Does he even like his grandmother?

Gosh, it really does seem like someone is trying to kill him.

Jeez, don't let a nearly-blind man drive you around!

I wouldn't discount Coulsen just yet. Sometimes it's the quiet, unobtrusive ones who carry the most rage.

Uncle Alistair is adorable. It's a good thing that she went to find him, but she should have taken someone along.

Only Alex would give a self-defense lesson in the middle of a fireworks shows at a pleasure garden.

So he never takes off his shirt, then?

Men are so simple. One punch, and the argument's over.

Ha, they truly are the odd couple.

He really should tell her about the wallflower business.

Things just got real.

Poor thing. His parents really loved each other, didn't they.

A wine cellar? Romantic.

Ooh, his grandma middle-named him. He's in trouble, even though he was going to jump in to save her.

Haha, everyone fusses over the duchess like she's a feeble old lady, but she's stronger than most people half her age!

True that, Meg.

Heck, I would have left after the first day.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Friday, February 10, 2017

Review: Claiming Grace

Claiming Grace Claiming Grace by Susan Stoker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

They're right. We don't really think of men as the abused.

Are we sure their mother was the murderer, though?

They handcuffed her to a chair?! Aw hell no! Suck it up, Logan. You have butt to kick.

Her mother opens her mail? That's a federal offense, right there.

Um, honey, if you have to send your bills to a different address, what makes you think your parents didn't intercept any phone calls or letters from Logan?

Ugh, they live in a mansion, but expect their daughter to come over and do the maid's job?

Oh. My. God. This is breaking my heart. She would have literally been better off at that institution than with her own parents.

I'd be too freaked out to have someone inject ink that close to my brain.

Wow, he did not just say that. And for his information, handcuffing her sounds like physical abuse to me.

Felicity needs to know exactly how crazy her parents are. She thinks she knows, but she has no idea.

Fight, girl! This isn't crazy behavior. This is sickening. My stomach is actually churning.

Jesus, have these two plotted the death of every person in town?

And there, ladies and gentlemen, is your belief in soulmates restored.

Damnit. He had PTSD before he ever joined the Army.

God. All she wants is a little bacon.

Ha! Do you by chance read romance novels, Logan?

Oh. My. God. This is so hot. I think my face is on fire.

I believe her father. It sounds like they have more in common than they thought. Are Bradford and Alexis the only ones with normal parents?

I'm thinking it's a set-up, unfortunately.

That is the best thing ever. I hope they both die in prison. To think I was ready to forgive her father. He's just as bad as his wife.

Hey, lady, you weren't born into the Mason family. You married into it. You were never all that, witch.

And that's how a burn is done.

Their poor kids. On one side, their grandparents are in jail for a crapload of reasons. Their other grandmother killed their grandfather before killing herself.

Oy, be careful, Alexis.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Sunday, February 5, 2017

Hannah on Bones

I know this happened a few years ago, but I'm just getting into this show now. So bear with me.

Booth proposes to his hot girlfriend Hannah, in an idiot Man Moment. She already freaked out once when she thought he was proposing. So he decides to do it for reals this time, only with expensive diamonds WHICH HE ENDS UP THROWING IN A POND. My cheap little heart almost stopped. Of course she was going to say no. Has he never heard of a pawnshop?

My question is this: What happens to the Brennan/Hannah friendship? I know that after she says no and he makes her move out, Hannah becomes Booth's Voldemort. But what about Brennan? Hannah called her to say she turned down the proposal. Do they ever hang out again? Is Brennan forced to give up her friend? Booth never lets her bring up Hannah again. Doesn't he see that she might miss that bond? Yes, the friendship only started because Brennan wanted to stay in Booth's life after that whole rejecting-his-undying-love thing in season 5 episode 16. But the two women were clearly hanging out by themselves, and not talking about Booth all the time (I'm assuming). This is not a woman with a plethora of female friendships. She's got Angela, and to a lesser extent Cam. Daisy annoys her most of the time, and she really only tolerates her because of Sweets. Caroline is Caroline. Hannah was the first person we saw Brennan relax with. Shouldn't she get a chance to mourn that?

Driving on TV

Okay, is it just me, or do actors on TV and in movies not know how to drive? There's always that "lightbulb" moment where they try to make a U-turn in the middle of oncoming traffic. I don't drive, and even I know that's wrong! If you figured out the killer's identity, two more seconds to wait for a light won't kill ya.

And what's with having these long conversations with your passenger? Keep your eyes on the road! There's time for chit-chat later. Say, when you're not putting your life or someone else's life at risk. And yes, I know they usually film these scenes on closed-off streets, or in a studio against green screen. But at least try to make it realistic. Some idiot kid just getting his license will try to copy them one day, and either get killed or kill someone.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Disability on TV-Bones-style

On Bones, the character of Jack Hodgins, the resident "bug and slime guy", becomes paralyzed as a result of a homemade bomb in a dead body. (I know. Yikes!) At first, he becomes angry and rude to everyone in an effort to push them away, even going so far as to mention divorce from his supportive wife. Normally, as someone who has been paralyzed from day one, these character arcs in books and movies irk me. It's as if the producers decide they need to have a disabled character to be more "diverse". So why not incapacitate a beloved character? And if they're angsty and all "woe is me" for episode upon episode, so much the better.

Bones does it well, though. Hodgins has his temper tantrum, but moves on in a couple of episodes. And why shouldn't he? He has a good job, a great family and friends that love and support him. Not so for many of us. Yes, he has to use the lift to get onto the platform where they do their work, but at least his job has one! And being such a prestigious institute, I'm sure they have handicapped bathrooms available. Not to mention the fact that he even still has a job. I've come out of many an interview where the employer is worried about the liability involved in hiring someone with a disability. I've even been asked how often I go to the doctor.

You're sitting pretty, Jack. Keep smiling!

Friday, January 13, 2017

Shoulder Bags: Manly or Not?

Watching new episodes of shows I've missed while binge-watching, something struck me. When did it become fashionable for businessmen to use shoulder bags rather than briefcases? Whatever happened to the days of Mad Men? None of those guys would have been caught dead wearing a man-purse. Yep, I went there. To me, a shoulder bag looks too much like a duffel bag. Unless you're on your way to summer camp or the gym, don't use one. It certainly doesn't look professional to me.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Bones and JAG: Together Again

Update: Manetti is in a season 8 episode. Andrea Thompson, who played the femme-fatale Commander in the pilot of JAG, is in season 2.

I've been watching the show Bones. A lot of actors from JAG. So far, the actors who played Sturgiss, Admiral Chedwiggen, and Sadiq have all appeared. Coincidence or design? Anyone know?