Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Why Can I Never Remember Stuff?

If you're anything like me, you have the short-term memory of a gnat. Some people keep a To-Do list in the kitchen. I remember things in the bathroom.

Literally. I forget them as soon as I get to my room. It's like the bathroom is a vortex of memory. I've lost story ideas that I knew were really good. I remember to make phone calls days after I meant to.

This has lasted for years. I was going crazy, and just figured I was doomed to live in forgetfulness. It's not like you can bring a notepad into the shower with you.

Then I discovered Aqua Notes Waterproof Notepad http://www.amazon.com/Aqua-Notes-Waterproof-NotepadMountable/dp/B003W09LTQie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_search_detailpage.
Oh. My. God. This thing is a lifesaver! It is a blank notepad with suction cups attached. I had a bit of trouble making it stick to the tile wall, but once you find the right section, it stays on unless you forcibly yank it off. It also comes with a pencil that you can stick on as well.

It is definitely waterproof, as advertised. You can write on it in the steam. Wet hands? Not a problem. I am definitely satisfied. Any aspiring writer needs one, for those times when an idea hits you at an, ahem, inopportune moment.


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